Your Help Needed…

Over the last 15 years, we’ve had the lantern procession around the estate. There have been so many themes, so many people making lanterns, joined in the parade and fun had by all.

It’s been a great way to be reminded that the clocks go forward on that night before going to bed. There are many kids who have grown up only knowing that this one particular night is as special as Christmas or birthdays – they won’t have known what was there before the lanterns. 

Some people who have moved to the area in recent times, they too won’t know what was there before the lanterns. 

It has become more than just an event, it’s almost an institution, shared by countless people over that 15 years. 

But, it needs your help. How can you be of service to your community? We want your lantern pictures and lantern videos. We want your memories and stories too.

It’s a long shot, but, the aim is to create either a dvd or build up a comprehensive online archive that is free to view.

This is all early days, but if you wish to contribute, feel free to contact us. We’re on an Easter break right now, but, we’ll be back in 2 weeks.